Become a member and experience the best that Milliaire Winery has to offer. Whether you prefer dry red wines or enjoy a little bit of everything, we have a club for you!
Questions? Call (209) 728-1658 or email us
Check our events calendar and join in the fun!

Custom Red Wine Club
Four bottle minimum, Four times a year
February, May, September & November

Custom Mixed Wine Club
Choose from a variety of White & Sweet wines
Four bottle minimum, Four times a year
February, May, September & November

Custom Mixed Wine Club
Choose from Red, White, Dry and Sweet wines
Four bottle minimum, Three times a year
January, April & October
Two bottles of dry red wine, four times per year
Shipment months: February, May, September and November

All Sparkling Wine Add-On Club
Four bottle minimum, Two times a year
March & November
Summer Wine Society Club...Great (6) bottle add-on club that goes out once a year in June. Feeling the warm weather we start to crave our sparkling, cool, and refreshing flavors. The perfect accompaniment for Summer play.